Master of Business 政府 in Sport Business

获得先进的培训,把你的职业生涯在体育管理到一个新的水平. 威尼斯人网上赌场很自豪地提供德克萨斯州最受欢迎但价格实惠的体育管理MBA课程之一.

我们的体育商业MBA课程获得了多个机构的认可,并被一些机构认为是 among the top online sports management MBA programs in the country. Whether you’re aiming to be a general manager or athletic director, 你将学习商业理论、财务和人事管理策略, 以及如何将它们应用于体育产业内的各种类型的组织.

Supportive, Faith-Based Learning Environment

At HSU, we’re committed to your success. Not just in the classroom, but in your life beyond graduate school. 你可以依靠一个支持性的学习环境,在你需要的时候,你的教授和同龄人会帮助你. 你可以期待一个灵活的课程模式,旨在实现工作与生活学习的平衡——完全是在线课程, 8周学期, and multiple opportunities to join the program per year, not just in spring or fall. You’ll also benefit from a program grounded in the Christian faith, 这将培养成功领导所必需的正直和道德, as well as the business acumen.


Jennifer Plantier-Director of 研究生课程

Dr. Jennifer Hobbs Plantier

Professor of Business and Marketing, Coordinator of Marketing Programs, Director of 研究生课程 for Kelley College of Business



Why Earn Your MBA In Sport Business at Hardin-Simmons?

MBA Sport Business program professor speaking to students in a gym

Flexible Online Model

我们知道,许多攻读体育管理MBA的学生已经是工作繁忙的行业专业人士. We’ve tailored this program to meet the needs of the working student, 灵活的在线教学模式,让您按照自己的节奏工作. 全日制学习,在12-15个月内完成,或者根据你的需要花费更长的时间. HSU的本科生也可以参加提前入学研究生学习(EAGL),在完成学士学位的同时,获得最多两门体育商业MBA课程.

HSU Public 政府 students in lecture hall


任何一所大学都可以声称他们提供了全国最好的体育管理MBA课程之一, but few have the industry recognition to back it up. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的MBA课程获得了商学院和项目认证委员会以及南方学院和学校协会委员会的认证,  a member of the Alliance for Sport Business, MBA Central将我们的体育商业MBA项目列为2020年美国前20名在线体育管理MBA项目之一.

Hardin-Simmons football scoreboard with HSU in the lead

Dynamic Learning Atmosphere

The world of sports business is dynamic, and we believe your education in sports management should reflect that. Changes in the field present opportunities for hands-on learning, and as a sports management MBA student, you’ll have opportunities to engage in service learning, 研究, 模拟, 实习, and real-life corporate projects as part of your coursework.

Softball players slap hands

What Can You Do With an MBA In Sport Business?

所有类型的运动和各级别的比赛都需要体育管理技能, including in municipal recreation, private organizations, social organizations, government athletic activities, 业余运动, college-level athletics, and professional sports.

我们的体育管理MBA课程的毕业生已经在几个体育组织工作, including the Texas Rangers, Abilene Youth Sports Authority, Abilene Independent School District, Carrolton Independent School District, and in college athletic departments throughout the country.

Sports Management MBA Jobs

  • 公司官
  • Business development representative
  • Marketing and sales executive
  • Recruiting and development specialist
  • Facilities manager
  • Coaches and scouts

MBA in Sport Business Salary

体育商业MBA可以提高你的收入潜力,并导致各种有利可图的职业. 例如,根据美国统计局的数据,设施经理的平均年薪为9.8万美元.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 公共关系经理和市场营销经理的平均年薪为141,000美元.


HSU在这里支持你的目标,在体育管理领域取得进步. 我们体育商业MBA课程的学生可以通过我们的就业中心进行求职和行业分析. 你可以 充分利用个人职业咨询、简历分析和其他资源 确保你已经准备好一旦毕业就能在就业市场上大展宏图.

我们的在线MBA体育商业课程结合了商业和运动机能学课程,为想要在体育产业工作的专业人士提供了一个完美的专业研究生学位. You’ll gain a big picture understanding of sports business as a whole, become adept at financial decision making, learn how to organize athletes at the administrative level, and become an expert at crafting smart solutions to business problems.


To be eligible to pursue a sport business MBA at Hardin-Simmons, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, with a GPA of at least 3.0.

View all requirements for the MBA program at Hardin-Simmons.

If you’re interested in the sport business MBA, 你可能还想在HSU探索其他与商业相关的研究生学位课程:

Jennifer Plantier-Director of 研究生课程“Our MBA in Sport Business courses are hands on, 所以学生们可以把他们在课堂上学到的东西应用到他们实际工作中去. 我们协调企业和体育场馆的项目是现实世界的工作-市场营销和商业规划, 研究, 促销活动, 销售, 和实习.”

Dr. Jennifer Hobbs Plantier, Professor of Business & 营销,是哈丁西蒙斯大学MBA体育商业项目主任. Dr. Plantier获得了夏威夷太平洋大学的工商管理学士学位,主修市场营销. 在康涅狄格州和德克萨斯州的两家广播电台工作期间,她的工作使她从零售进入商业贩运和销售.

Dr. 普兰蒂埃在德克萨斯理工大学担任市场总监和学生事务电台程序员期间继续接受教育. She completed her MS in marketing at Tech, 之后,她将研究重点转向了消费者行为,并在德克萨斯理工大学继续深造,获得了消费经济学博士学位. During the completion of this degree, Dr. Plantier served as a Visiting Professor at Towson University in Towson, 马里兰, where she taught marketing and economics courses.